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4 Days
Puebla de Sanabria
42 Km
from 6 to 12
4 Days
Puebla de Sanabria
42 Km
from 6 to 12
Sanabria Lakes natural park is not known out of Spain. These beautiful water surface are of glaciar origin. Deep into the landscape this can be seen. The site was chosen by monks so they could meditate and pray to God. The place is perfect for its beauty and in the past small communities of farmers created villages and populated the area around the monastery.
We are going to explore the rivers, the lad, forrest and find out the way it formed while hiking. Follow the gorges, the glaciar depots and the way people move around and live from the land.
Today this is a Natural Park hat is dedicated to preserve the simbiosis found here.
On demand
The Natural Park of the Sanabria Lakes is a protected area of Castille & León. Out of the main known areas this mountainuous region is a kind of simbiosis between nature and man. Traditions and old villages going back to the medieval age are scatered around the lake. The lake is of ice age carved glaciar, and today is a beautiful and peaceful place. In summer is like a beach and in autumn is an incredible palet of changing colors.
The tour is an oportunity to visit and hike in such a away place. Time to slow and reconect with the nature as you walk different trails. it is also a way of discovering places that have not changed and still reflects life at a different pace away from the 21st century bustling.
This was a fantastic trip with lots of free time to explore the cities on your own. The local transport used was extremely good and the included activities, particularly the tapas and the Camino walk, were excellent.
A great trip, with a wonderful group of fellow travellers. Incredibly well lead by Helder. Enabled an opportunity to get to know a little about Spain and to appreciate the diverse nature and history of the country.
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Camino Walks
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