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Phone : + 34 633 317 697
We will respond to your enquiries within 24 hours
10 Days
Baiona - Finisterre
120 Km
Min 8 - Max 12
Historic Hotels
13 Days
Baiona - Finisterre
120 Km
MIN 8 - MAX 12
Historic Hotels
Welcome to this Camino, where the combination of the magic of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela with the practice of yoga create a unique experience for those who love spirituality and nature.
We will journey along the Portuguese Coastal Way which is known as the Spiritual Variant. Our pilgrimage will take us to unforgettable vistas to practice our yoga and leave us with a unique experience that will live in our hearts for a lifetime.
It was so impressive how smoothly it all went. The luggage transfers were so efficient, and in the hotels before we arrived. Most of the hotels were better than expected.
I would definitely recommend The Way tours to anyone wanting to experience the Camino & Yoga with a higher level of comfort than is available to most pilgrims.
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Secure Payment: PayPal, Visa, Master Card
Phone : + 34 633 317 697
We will respond to your enquiries within 24 hours
Camino Walks
2024 © The WayTours / License XG-989